Parish Lenten Opportunities:
Lent begins THIS WEDNESDAY, Ash Wednesday, March 6th. We invite you to join us at any one of our many Lenten opportunities.
- Ash Wednesday Masses: March 6th
- Immaculate Conception Church: 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:30pm
- Saint Jude: 7:00pm
- Sacrament of Reconciliation:
- Saturdays, 4:00-4:50pm, IC Church
- Sundays, 8:20-8:50am, SJ Church
- Tuesday, March 12, 10:00am - School Reconciliation Service, open to all
- Wednesday, March 13, 6:15pm - Rel Ed. Reconciliation Service, open to all
- OR any time by appointment. There will not be any scheduled confessions during the Sacred Triduum (April 18-20)
- Lenten Devotions and Opportunities:
- First Sunday for Adoration: Sunday, April 7 - 1:30-3:00pm - IC Chapel
- Stations of the Cross - Fridays, 7:00pm - ICC, March 8, 15, 22, 29; April 5, 12
- Shadow Stations of the Cross - ICS gym March 27, 6:30pm; March 31, 8:45am
- Good Friday Stations of the Cross - ICC, April 19, 12:00pm
- Lenten Presentations:
- “How is ‘The Community Jesus Left Behind’ Our Catholic Church?” - Fr. Michael Connolly, OSFS - Saturday, April 13, 3:00pm and Sunday, April 14, 1:15pm in IC Chapel
- “Dare to Walk With Jesus” - Michele Chynoweth - Sunday, April 7, 1:15 in the Parish Center