Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Since the announcement of the closing of Immaculate Conception School at the end of this school year, concerns and questions regarding the future of our school building have been raised. While that building is in need of maintenance and repair, parishioners are “spot on” in being grateful for the ministries we can look forward to accomplishing with that resource.
The school building is a treasured resource, owned by our parish. Through that building, generations of parishioners and non-parishioners received quality elementary education. Through that building, we have been able to provide a home for several other ministries to members of our community including: religious education, athletic association, Scouts (and other youth ministries), addiction recovery, and parish gatherings for community building and fundraising.
A steering committee will be formed to focus on how to best utilize this building to continue to support our parish ministries. Working closely with our parish leadership committees, plans will be developed to create a path forward for future use of the school, allowing these ministries to continue and provide some income to our parish. Please continue to pray for our parish community as we continue discerning where the Holy Spirit is leading us.
Fr. Jim Yeakel, OSFS