Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


February 5, 2023


Dear Parishioners,
Even though we are approaching the end of January in this new year of 2023, I wanted to share some good news with you about our parish and the generosity with which we said good-bye to last year, 2022. We received a letter from Sr. Mary Michael, l.s.p., Mother Superior of the Little Sisters of the Poor. She wrote to thank us for our donation of $1,956.00 toward the mission of the Little Sisters. Sister commented that our donation “assisted in making our home a warm and safe place for our Residents.” We also received an email from the Diocesan Office thanking our parish for not only reaching our goal in the 2022 Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal, but in exceeding it. We gave $98,401 and exceeded our goal by $6,401. The Appeal in general went beyond the diocesan goal which prompted Bishop Koenig to express his thanks for “allowing us to maintain and strengthen the many programs and ministries that serve throughout Delaware and our Eastern Shore of Maryland.” On behalf of the parish, I want to thank all those who were able to give to each of these appeals for their generosity, and to thank all of us at Immaculate Conception/ St. Jude who lift up our wider community in prayer.

Sincerely in St. Francis de Sales,


Fr. Jim Yeakel, OSFS