Fifth Sunday of Lent

I am not a big fan of “high wire acts.” Even as a kid, when I went to the circus, I could not enjoy them. I have the greatest admiration for the performer. It takes incredible skill and precision to make the crossing from one side of the ‘big top’ to the other. However, I could not hold the tension inside of me and keep focused. I was in awe of the feat, but had to look away. It was more tension than I could stand!


Today’s Gospel story of “a woman caught in adultery” kicks up the same reaction. The tension between misery and mercy is found right at the center of genuine Gospel living. It is a story of incredible skill and precision. Jesus holds within Himself the tension between good and evil; light and darkness; between joy and despair. Jesus is not up in the air for this “high wire act,” but right here on the ground with the woman, the elders, his disciples, and the lookers and passersby. What a work of mercy!


This story has way more at work in it than often considered. Our focus goes to the woman and her grave sins. Yet, she is far from the only sinner in the story. Jesus has in his view everyone who has gathered. His eyes are on her, but also the crowd who brought her, and all of the members on the ground with them. His eyes are on not only the woman’s sin, but also those of the crowd who brought her, who were literally using her to get at Him. This confrontation had all the makings of an unbelievably hostile and violent event. Talk about a risk taker!


It is awesome that no one walked away from this event with condemnation. She, we know, walked away with mercy and forgiveness. The rest just walked away. They left possibly even worse than they arrived. They left with their unclaimed misery and now even more frustration! How different an ending could be for anyone, everyone, who can recognize their need for forgiveness and healing. How different a beginning for anyone who can recognize that Yes, God’s mercy, forgiveness, and healing is right here on the ground and in our midst. Some “high wire acts” are worth taking!