Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

February 6, 2022


“When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master we have been hard at it all night long and have caught nothing, but if you say so I will lower the nets.’ Upon doing this they caught such a great number of fish that their nets were at the breaking point... They filled the two boats until they nearly sank. At the sight of this Peter fell at the feet of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me Lord, I am a sinful man.’”


We hear the teaching from the boat. Can you feel the sway, of the boat, catch the aroma of fish, enjoy the refreshing breeze, feel the coolness of the water? The scene is so clear. Enjoy it.

But the real message is to listen to the invitation of the Lord to go deeper, lower the nets again and don’t be surprised. The boat is the church, the nets are the invitation we are to extend to others, those who have never been part of our community, newcomers, backsliders who are waiting to be caught once again.

Surely I do not have to say ‘leave me Lord’, but to reach out and bring that person I have in mind back to Him.

by Rev. William J. Reilly