First Sunday of Advent


November 27, 2022


“You know the time in which we are living, It is now the hour for you to wake from sleep, for our salvation is closer than when we first accepted the faith. The night is far spent; The day draws near. Let us cast off the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Rather, put on the Lord Jesus...” 


We have heard this message constantly as we begin the season of advent. What does it take to make sure that we respond? Consider the many horrible events of the past year. Mass shootings, innocent lives lost, families shattered by violence, war, and invasions since February, hate and indifference. They are not just distant happenings, they affect us. 


This advent is our wake up call, asking us to consider what we do to contribute to the mess, and more importantly, what we will do to confront this reality. It is through the presence of Christ, the Prince of Peace that change can come. It is through our personal response to make change in our own lives, that there can be positive change for others. May these few weeks be profitable for us all. 

by Rev. William J. Reilly