Dear Parishioners,
As of March 1, 2023, I have been your pastor for eight full years and now am heading into year nine. Despite my agility in the parish picnic dump tank, (thanks, Knights of Columbus!), I am heading into my seventy-fourth year of age. I am not ready to retire just yet, but I am ready to take on the challenge of ministry within a more focused arena. The Holy Spirit has invited me into just such a ministry.
I was approached by the Provincial of the Sulpicians, an order of priests whose mission is to form diocesan priests, to work with them in the arena of spiritual direction. My duty will be to assist candidates in confirming their call to priesthood as they begin their formation at St. Mary Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland. I have spoken with our Bishop, my provincial, my own spiritual director and a few priests and lay friends who know me well. With their support, I have accepted this transfer to St. Mary. However, we still have each other until late June!
I am grateful for the privilege to have been your pastor over these last eight plus years. Serving as your pastor has drawn me into places of prayer and growth, I could not have experienced in any other ministry or location. We have gone through rough times together, but we are still here and thriving. I take that growth with me as your greatest gift along with your generosity to the parish. From this place of gratitude, I will continue to pray for this faith community of Immaculate Conception/ St. Jude parish. Even now my provincial and his advisors are looking for a new pastor to replace me. May we together continue in that prayer as we strive in this season to Live Jesus.
May God be Praised!
Fr. Jim Yeakel, OSFS