I would like to say a word of thanks to all of you for your cooperation with the guidelines we are observing to keep each other safe from COVID-19. I am struck by the generous way in which so many of you wear the mask, receive in the hand, and honor the six-foot distance we are advised to keep. I am also grateful for those who jump in after Mass and help complement the work of our ushers to keep our worship space sanitized. My hope was that by now we would be winding down our public health practices, yet it seems with a winter wave coming, we need to stay vigilant. We can do it if, with God’s blessing, we remember we are doing this ultimately as a clear expression of our love and concern for one another.
Prayer Cards: Please take home a prayer card (available at each entrance to the church). I want to encourage all of us to pray the prayer on the first side, “Election Prayer”, once each day, starting today, as a novena (9 days) asking God’s help as complete our voting on November 3rd. I then encourage all of us to pray the prayer on the other side, “Service Prayer”, once each day as a novena, starting November 4th asking the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our parish patroness, God’s help for those elected.
Outreach: Please give a read to the Outreach Annual Report found in today’s bulletin (and on our website). Even in the midst of this pandemic, Dottie Fritz and her volunteers are leading us thoughtfully and consistently in our parish’s ecumenical ministry of care for those who need help “with a roof over their heads and a meal on their tables”. Thanks go out to all of our members and those in the collaborating churches for their past and continued support. As winter approaches, please keep this ministry in your prayers and charity.