Second Sunday of Advent


December 4, 2022


“Everything written before our time was written for our instruction, that we might derive hope from the lessons of patience and the words of encouragement in the Scriptures. May God the source of all patience and encouragement, enable you to live in perfect harmony with one another according to the spirit of Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and voice you may glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 


As time moves forward through the old testament, and we live this advent season, may we live in hope filled expectation of the Christmas to come. Our weary world, marked with violence, war and discord needs the virtues of hope, patience and encouragement, we need the grace of Jesus Christ more than ever. 


Our own practice of patience and encouragement can help that distant vision to become real. These three virtues mentioned in Romans are worth pursuing as we too ‘prepare the way of the Lord.’ 

by Rev. William J. Reilly