January 16, 2022
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service but the same Lord, there are different workings but the same God, who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit... but one and the same Spirit produces all of them distributing them individually to each person as he wished.”
Perhaps there is still an unopened Christmas gift in your home. Nicely wrapped, a fancy bow are pretty to look at, but still unopened. A kind giver wanted you to have it, yet it still remains untouched.
As St. Paul wrote to the Christians, he speaks to us. Are you filled with curiosity about what is in the box? Is it faith, healing, mighty deeds? What is it? If the Spirit has been given to me, for whose benefit did I accept it? It is mine to use for my benefit and for others.
Spend a moment to recognize the gifts you have and are not using or are underused. Take another moment to encourage someone else about their gifts. One day the Lord will ask us why we failed to let the Spirit to work through us.
by Rev. William J. Reilly