Sixthteenth Sunday of Ordinary TIme

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


“I myself will gather the remnant of my flock from all the lands to which I have driven them and bring them back to their meadow, there they shall increase and multiply. I will appoint shepherds for them who will shepherd them so that they no longer fear and tremble, and none shall be missing, says the Lord... Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”


The image of the Good Shepherd, which we recall on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, provides a wonderful picture. The shepherd, guides and leads, protects and feeds, as a parent does for their child, as a teacher does for their students. Rather than just affirm the importance of the role, think for a minute of the qualities you look for in a shepherd or a person today who assumes that role.


Kindness and caring come to mind, a desire to share and support in every need. Jesus appointed the twelve for that role, modeling by His teaching and preaching, His example and care. How blessed that the Lord continues to fulfill the words of Jeremiah and Mark today.


As I reflect on the role of shepherds in my life, whether teacher, priest, religious or catechist, can I see the hand of the Lord guiding others? Can I pause for a moment and pray for them?