January 8, 2023
“Then shall you be radiant in what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow for the riches of the sea shall be emptied out before you, the wealth of the nations shall be brought to you. Caravans of camels shall fill you, dromedaries from Midian and Ephah, all from Sheba shall come bearing gold and frankincense and myrh, praising the goodness of the Lord.”
On this special day, often called ‘Little Christmas’, we immediately think of kings or magi, 3 in number, a star, bringing three mentioned gifts and discovering the presence of the newborn king. Our traditions, based on the scriptures, call us today to be no different than the travelers from the east.
Our journey is to find the Christ today. Our traveling brings us to a church and sacraments. Having been so blessed, we are asked to bring the gift of ourselves to the Lord and share Him with the most in need. I seriously wonder what gift I have to be given to someone else.
In this age of ‘re-gifting’ - we know we have the Lord, and others are waiting to meet Him. Follow the star as He leads you to someone really in need. Jesus thanks you.
by Rev. William J. Reilly