Christmas Blessings
The Christmas Season is a time not only for counting our blessings but also for giving back thanks to those people who are instrumental in bringing those blessings to us. I would like to take this time to say thank you to all whose time and talents allow us to be the faith community here in Elkton that our parish mission and our hopes call us to become.
Thank you to our volunteers whose time and talents are given to enhancing our worship in the following ministries: altar service, eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers, choir members and cantors, art and church environment, and devotional leaders (Divine Mercy, Rosary, Adoration for Vocations).
Thank you to our volunteers whose time and talents are given to sharing our faith with our children and each other: Religious Education Committee, Catechists, youth ministry, adult religious education, RCIA and Sacramental preparation.
Thank you to our volunteers whose time and talents are given to reaching out ecumenically to those in need in our local community: Our Outreach Program and other involvement including Paris Foundation, Men’s and Women’s Shelters, the Pregnancy Centers of Elkton, Community Kitchen, 12 Step Programs, CASA, the Greater Elkton Ministerial Association, and Meeting Ground to name a few channels giving focus to our care for those in need.
Thank you to the volunteers whose time and talents are shared in programs affiliated with our parish community: the Knights of Columbus, the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, and Scouting (Boys and Girls).
Thank you to our volunteers whose time and talents are spent in the fundraising we need to augment our ability to support these various ministries: the Christmas Bazaar and the Golf Tournament.
Thank you to our volunteers whose time and talents are given to discerning and leading our parish in the following ministries: the Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils, the stewardship committees of Liturgy, Building and Maintenance, Faith Formation, Parish and Family Life and Social Concerns.
We are blessed with many parishioners who are so generous in giving their creativity and energy in the service of us all. We simply could not be the gifted Christian, Catholic Community we are without God’s Spirit in Jesus empowering us.
May God be Praised! Fr. Jim