June 11, 2023
“Then taking the five loaves and two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing over them, he broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up they filled twelve wicker baskets.”
How would I have felt if I was in the crowd, listening and learning, and hungry? I sat down and observed Him taking and breaking, praying and blessing, and then giving to the disciples and they to the crowd. I reach out and gratefully accept this gift.
Take a minute and apply that scene to your presence at Holy Mass today. We are taught in the word and then watch, pray and listen as Jesus becomes truly present in the bread and wine – ‘MY BODY… MY BLOOD.’ NOT A SYMBOL BUT A REAL PRESENCE. Our faith focuses on His coming to me in the sacrament. When I leave liturgy, I too leave satisfied.
May I express my faith in His presence and reverently receive and consume the most important moment for Catholics.
by Rev. William J. Reilly