Thirty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

November 21, 2021


“So Pilate said to him, ‘Then you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say I am a king. For this was I born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.’”


We pray, ‘Thy kingdom come.’ What does this really mean to me today? We find His kingdom in the church, growing, progressing, in holiness. We observe His kingdom at work with care for the needs of all. We discover His kingdom even in the faults, the weakness and errors of its members. It is the person of Jesus Christ we follow, He who said He is, ‘the way, the truth and the life.’


As we bring the church year to a close, I wish to affirm what it means to follow Jesus, acknowledge that He alone can make a difference in my life, and reassert my desire to live my Christian life with new dedication and fervor.

by Rev. William J. Reilly