October 2, 2022
“Rooted in Hope” Please take a look at the painting in the front of church today. This painting was done by one of the board members of the Cecil County Pregnancy Center and is on loan to us for the month of October. I see in this painting an artistic rendering of the call to become a culture of life and love. October is designated as “Respect Life Month”. The Dobbs Decision of the Supreme Court has shifted the responsibility of limiting abortion in our country from the judiciary to the legislature. Archbishop Lori, as the Chair of the Conference of Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activity, encourages us to see this as an opportunity for a rededication of our efforts to build “a culture of life and civilization of love”. We have been called, since the papacy of John Paul II, to open the paradigm of life from law to culture. The American Bishops call us to Saint Pope John Paul’s idea of “Radical Solidarity”. This means “making the good of others our own good”. With respect to life, it highlights mothers, babies (born and unborn), and families throughout the entire life span as needing help not only during pregnancy but also in life’s journey. This understanding of solidarity is not only for protection against violence toward the preborn child but also building a world in which all are welcome that requires compassion, support, healing and, most importantly, love of neighbor. Look for opportunities to build this culture among us in the bulletin and on the parish website during the month of October. They will begin, as we have been announcing, with our annual “Prayer Memorial for the Unborn” at our parish cemetery, which was Saturday, October 1st. “40 Days of Pro-Life Prayer” is a diocesan-wide vigil. This information is available at the church doors. Resources explain nearby services for mothers and families seeking help with their pregnancies and a resource for grief workshops over unborn children are also available. Our ICC/SJ community supports these programs.
by Father James R. Yeakel