February 4, 2024
A good friend recently returned from a trip to Ireland,
where she encountered a welcome message hanging on
the wall of the local parish church in a rural part of Dublin.
Because it so beautifully captures the Immaculate
Conception Parish and St. Jude mission spirit, I wanted
to share it with you as well. May it be our “welcome”
sign, too:
“You have come into this House where God is present.
Whoever you are, He welcomes you, with your gladness
and sadness, your successes and failures, your hopes,
and your disappointments. Be welcome!
Before you, generations have loved this church, helped to
build it, and make it beautiful, and they have prayed here.
Respect it and enter the beauty of such a wonderful place
of prayer.
If you believe, pray. If you are seeking, ponder. If you
are doubting, ask for light. If suffering, ask for strength.
If you are joyful, give thanks to God … and may your
happiness continue.
In this House, you will meet others and be able to pray
with them and for them.
May your stay in this holy place remain in your heart
always. Whoever you are, He knows you and welcomes
you. Welcome Him, too.”
We may not be as old as the parish church in Ireland
where this sign hangs but isn’t it incredible to think that
we have been offering the same warm welcome here in
Elkton and North East for 175 years! We are truly
blessed as a parish community.