Mercy Calling 


April 7, 2024

The call came in around 10:00 pm from an unknown number, the area code indicating either the Lancaster or Harrisburg-area. The voicemail message was hard to hear, and the voice frail: “(Name that was mumbled), it’s Mom. I fell (something unclear) … I’m scared. Please help me.” 
I knew my cell phone was called by mistake, for it was definitely not my own mother’s voice. Immediately, I called the number back. No answer. I called again, this time leaving a message, telling the woman, “Please call me again and I will call your family for you.”   
Ten minutes passed and no call back. Now I am panicking. Do I call 911? Find the number for the Pennsylvania state police? What do I do? 
Just then, my cell phone rings. The mother’s son is on the line, telling me that his mom is fine and she is safe. “Thank you for caring enough to call,” he said. “Funny that my Mom accidentally called a priest. Maybe God’s giving me a sign I need to get back to Mass … it’s been a while, Father.” 
On this weekend when our Church celebrates the Divine Mercy of Our Lord, may we continue to seek out those moments of grace that God continually offers to each of us, especially when they seem like mere coincidence. Christ uses everything to bring us back to Him – even phone calls that come out of the blue at 10:00 pm.