July 16, 2023
Fr. Jim was kind enough to leave a rather large plant in the office that has now become mine. The unidentifiable vegetation is rather large and growing at weird angles by my windows. I know not whether it needs lots of water or very little, and to be honest I don’t have much of a green thumb.
Nevertheless, I am determined to help the plant thrive. If it looks like it needs a little pruning, I will gently attempt to do so. If talking to it will help it, I’m not beyond trying. Sometimes we don’t know what will work until we actually step out in faith and try our best.
In that same vein, I am blessed to be assigned here to Immaculate Conception/St Jude as your administrator. As I indicated during my first weekend at all the Masses, stepping into our parish family in this way means that I am learning what it means to become a holy pastor, and you are invited by the Spirit to walk with me as I come to know your traditions, needs, and hopes for the future. It is an exciting time, for sure, but with that comes the usual fears and worries that change sometimes brings.
Please know that I am here for you in whatever way you might need me to journey with you as your spiritual father. My prayer is that we at Immaculate Conception/St. Jude continue to be this radiant beacon of Christ’s Light who constantly attract others who are lost and seeking God in their lives. I also want us to become a parish not afraid to boldly proclaim the truths of our faith, and the reason for our joy – Jesus Christ and Him alone. Our Lord has given us so much – including His Word and His Body and Blood in Eucharist – so that we can be the disciples and saints we are called to be. That’s not just a call for a select few, but for each of us, and we help each other reach that Kingdom-goal.
If we are willing to embark on the journey together, you never know what beautiful things we’ll discover.
Like Fr. Jim’s plant. As I was shifting its office location a little the other day, I came to find that underneath each rather nondescript green leaf is a vibrant red and orange underside that you’d never notice unless you take the time to really admire the parts and places that everyone else seems to forget about.
Funny – that seems to be the challenge of our Christian faith, too. May we never be afraid as a parish community to undertake that quest …
by Fr. Rich Jasper