Saying ‘Yes’ to More than the Dress


April 14, 2024


Most of us, I believe, have the Baltimore Catechism definition of ‘sacrament’ stored somewhere in our memory: “A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.”

 I’m happy to report there will be a lot of grace spilling all over the place here at Immaculate Conception parish and St. Jude mission these next two weeks: our young parishioners in second grade will be receiving their First Communion. It really is such an exciting time for them, even if they don’t yet fully understand the fullness of the Gift they are receiving. (To be honest, do any of us really fully understand such an awesome Mystery?)

Yes, right now, it may be about the Communion dress, the party, and the presents. But even these things speak to the fact that something vitally important has happened in their young lives, and that the invitation to follow the Lord more closely has been extended. Ultimately, that is why the understanding of sacrament is important – it is God’s way of showing us that He remains with us at every moment of our lives, feeding us and strengthening us to follow the Gospel and live more authentically in true relationship with the Holy Trinity and one another.

May our First Communicants live the prayer of St. Richard of Chichester (made popular thanks to Godspell): “Thanks be to You, Lord, for everything You have given to us. May I know Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly and follow Thee more nearly day by day.”

Let this be our prayer for them – and ourselves – as well.