There are some beautiful traditions that our Church has held onto through the centuries that make us proudly Catholic, willing to proclaim to the world that we are called to be uniquely set apart as we point the way to the Father’s incredible love.
One of those special moments occurs this time every year following the Feast of the Presentation: that of St. Blaise and the blessing of throats.
Having been a Catholic school teacher for more than a decade before becoming a priest, I knew how much the students liked this tradition, waiting in line to have two blessed candles placed near their throats as a prayer is offered, imploring God to keep them from all disease and illness. None of this is magic or superstition, of course; rather, it speaks to the understanding that the saints who have gone before us and are now united with God for eternity intercede for us in our cares and worries as we make our way back Home.
My first year after ordination, as the feast of St. Blaise came around, I explained the holy bishop’s story and the ritual behind the blessing to the pre-school and kindergarten-aged students who sat in the pews before me. I thought I did a good job explaining all of it … that is, until the first youngster came before me with great trepidation, clinging to her teacher.
“What is it, sweetheart?” the teacher asked, crouching to the little one’s level. “Why are you upset?”
The 4-year-old with all the innocence in the world looks at me and the candles I held out and asked in all sincerity: “When Father lights those candles, will it hurt a lot when I burn?” She burst into tears at that point, setting-off a chain reaction of 4-year-olds sobbing. Definitely not how I pictured this moment happening!
God bless this little child who was still brave enough to step forward and be set on fire for Jesus! (And God bless the priest who didn’t explain the ritual clearly enough for young minds and hearts to comprehend.)
Looking back on that moment now, I can laugh about the student’s reaction, but I also think about the deeper message that moment speaks of: our faith should, in fact, make us bold. We are called to step forward and take risks out of love for Christ and our sisters and brothers. The Spirit does want to set us on fire with love … just not with the lighted wicks of blessed candles!
This weekend and on Monday morning -- the actual feast of St. Blaise -- throats will be blessed after Mass. As you come forward to ask for the saint’s intercession and for God’s healing protection, throw in an extra prayer that, like the little girl who stepped forward in faith, we too may have the courage to be bold in living the Gospel that we’ve been given. May our lives set the world on fire with Christ’s Love and Mercy. St. Blaise, pray for us.