The words ‘synod’ and ‘deanery’ have been thrown around quite often lately in our Church, and I am sure that some confusion continues to remain around the purposes of each. What is the ultimate goal of the Synod on Synodality happening right now in Rome (and what does that even mean)? And closer to home, how are the Deanery meetings and discussions affecting the life and ministry here at Immaculate Conception parish?
As mentioned in earlier communication, Bishop Koenig’s pastoral letter United in Christ has asked all parishes united in groupings known as deaneries to assess its resources in order to properly fulfill its mission of effectively and boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God. We here in the Iron Hill deanery, led by Father Ed Ogden, OSFS, are now tasked with the responsibility of determining what we do well at our home parish and what we can do better. We don’t grow as a community if we aren’t willing to honestly assess our strengths and weaknesses.
You will notice the insert in this weekend’s bulletin asking you to answer some brief questions related to our parish in conjunction with the goals of the diocesan Synod sessions that were identified a few years back. Please take the time to offer some important feedback that can be shared not only with the Iron Hill deanery committee but also with me, as I step into the sacred role of pastoral administrator. What is working here at Immaculate Conception parish? What isn’t? There are numerous ways to respond to the survey, including the link on our parish website and other social media resources. Or you can simply return the insert to the parish office or in next Sunday’s offertory collection basket. All responses are due back no later than Monday, October 23rd.
And if I may, please share this questionnaire/survey links with family, friends and neighbors who have stopped attending Mass or believe that Immaculate Conception is no longer meeting their spiritual needs. (Extra copies available in the narthex.) We want to hear from their experience, too, so that we know how to reach out to those who no longer worship with us. Jesus never remained complacent when it comes to inviting all – no exceptions – to know His Love in Word and Sacrament.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Thanks for caring about and praying for our wonderful parish community.