May 19, 2024
I learned nearly everything about what it means to be a
teacher from Sister Irene Loretta, the principal who
guided me as I stepped into the middle school classroom
for the first time in my early 20s. Watching her teach
children was mesmerizing: she was an actress, a master
storyteller, and a no-nonsense educator all at the same
time. She could have children shouting out answers to
the multiplication “times tables” and diagramming
complex sentences one minute; the next minute she was
explaining the faith in ways that each age-group could
completely understand and fall in love with.
Perhaps my favorite Sister Irene moment happened
around this time each year. On the Friday afternoon
before the Feast of Pentecost, her voice would come
through the loudspeaker asking for our undivided
attention as she then proceeded to sing – yes, sing with
all the gusto she had – “Happy Birthday” to the Roman
Catholic Church. My students would roll their eyes and
snicker, but deep down, they knew that this woman who
had dedicated her life completely to Christ and His
Gospel Mission -- all for them – was sincerely honoring
and celebrating the Church she loved.
“Boys and girls, I sing this birthday song not to a building
but to you,” she proclaimed at the end of her
announcement. “WE are Church, and we must celebrate
the birthday gift of the Holy Spirit given to us on this
Pentecost Sunday. Don’t ignore this incredible Gift of the
Spirit that is given to you, do you hear me?”
We do, Sister Irene. Loud and clear.
Happy 1,991st Birthday, Church. You still got it!