The Parish that Prays Together …


I recently attended a talk offered by Fr. Dennis Billy, a Redemptorist priest known for his work of teaching Christian moral formation and spiritual direction to both laity and clergy. One particular comment Fr. Billy shared made a lasting impression on me: “If one pray daily, the seeker will undoubtedly find God; if one doesn’t pray, a wandering and aimless journey through life awaits. Therefore, every priest must teach his parishioners to pray well.”

St. Alphonsus Ligouri, the founder of the Redemptorist religious order, suggested this simple but profound format of daily prayer:

  1. Begin with a moment of silence, followed by a statement of faith (“Lord, I believe in You.”)
  2. Continue with an act of contrition (“Have mercy on me for the times I have sinned.”)
  3. Then, request God’s Light (“Lord, grant me Your Spirit of wisdom and understanding.”)
  4. After doing so, reflect on your daily needs, share with God your concerns about them, ask for what you/others need, and then listen in silence for a few moments to see what resolution our Lord may be asking you to make.
  5. End the time of prayer with an act of thanksgiving (“Thank You, Lord, for the Light received) and a request for grace (“Help me to continue to persevere.”)

This is, of course, only one possible way to pray, but as St. Alphonsus saw it, a very practical one for the busy person to stay in daily communication with our Lord. Said the holy bishop: “Without prayer, we have neither light nor strength to advance in the way that leads to God.” Let us as a parish community make it our aim to keep advancing together in His Grace.