Cemetery and Funeral Planning


Immaculate Conception Cemetery & Directions

"If the spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then he who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies by the presence of his spirit in you."  Romans 8:11

Although death brings a deep sense of sadness and loss, faith provides solace and strength. It is a time when we encounter the things of God and our belief in Him in a new way. It is a time for us to support and console one another–especially in our belief in the gift of eternal life. So, when as Christians we encounter death, we are drawn to prayer–to pray for those who have died and to pray for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

The Church emphasizes life in the funeral liturgy referred to as the Mass of Christian burial. The resurrection is the theme and the readings, hymns, and prayers reflect the overall tone of expectant joy.

 Funeral and Cemetery Resources

About Immaculate Conception Cemetery

 Information on Immaculate Conception Cemetery, and directions.

What we Believe as Catholics

To understand Catholic beliefs about death and begin planning a Catholic Funeral Service, it is often helpful first to review Catholic Funeral BeliefsThree Stations of the Rite and FAQ for Funerals.

Signs and Symbols

The Catholic Funeral Mass emphasizes our faith in Jesus’ victory over death and our hope in resurrection, even as we mourn our temporary separation from a loved one. We believe that death is not the end, but the beginning of a perfect, permanent life with Christ in heaven.  Through the many ceremonies and symbols that are part of our faith, we find hope in the midst of our tears.  To help make the funeral liturgy more consoling and understandable, we have provided some explanations of these parts of the liturgy.

Suggested Readings

Usually there are three readings during the Funeral Mass. One from the Old Testament (during Easter season selections are from the New Testament), a second from the New Testament (Epistles), and the third, the Gospel reading proclaimed by the presiding priest or deacon.

Readings for Children


Suggested Music

In times of grief and sorrow, we often turn to music as an expression of our faith — of those beliefs and hopes we sometimes cannot express in words. Whether planning the Funeral Liturgy of a loved one or pre-planning your own, the music you select can say a lot about what you, your family and loved ones believe. It can be a great source of comfort and consolation to the living. The music you select can even inspire new faith or renewed faith in the lives of your family and friends.

Three Stations of the Rite

When a member of the faithful has died the Church identifies three stations, or time periods, for the celebration of the rite of Christian burial:

Funeral FAQ

Losing a loved one is very difficult, and you may feel overwhelmed. Take a moment to look over our most frequently asked questions about funerals/