Lenten Journey



With Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2025), as a parish community, we focus on that season’s two-fold themes: repentance and baptism.  This year, as our candidates in the OCIA program complete the sacraments of initiation; we the full members, revisit the quality of our on-going conversion.  We listen more carefully to the word of God and through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, cultivate a spirit of repentance and renew our Baptismal Promises.


Lenten Bible Study with Fr. Rich

Mondays (ICC): 9:00am and 6:30pm – 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31


Fast and Abstinence

Ash Wednesday – Fast & Abstinence

Lenten Fridays – Abstinence

Good Friday – Fast & Abstinence


Sundays of Lent

Mass times will remain as usual during the Lenten Season:

Weekdays (Mon-Sat): 8:30am ICC

Weekend:  Saturday - 5:00pm ICC

                    Sunday:   7:00am ICC, 9:00am SJ, 11:00am ICC



Confession* times will remain as usual during the Lenten Season:

Saturday morning:  9:15am - 10:15am ICC

Sunday morning:  8:20am - 8:50am SJ

(*or by appointment)

Reconciliation Monday:

Monday, April 14 -Times will be added when confirmed


Lenten Devotions

Stations of the Cross:

Friday Evenings (ICC) – 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 4/4, 4/11 at 6:30pm

Friday Evening (SJC) – 3/28 at 6:30pm

Good Friday, April 18th (ICC) at 12:30pm


Personal Devotions

 “Black Book” available at both churches