Staff Member: Deacon Ben Feril
Deacon Ben Feril
Phone: 4103981100
Email: Click Here to Email
Deacon Ben and his wife Rita became members of the parish in 2005 and both are retired U. S. Navy Officers. He was ordained into the Permanent Diaconate on August 7, 2021 he and holds a Bachelor’s of Arts in Secondary Education from Central Michigan University and Master’s degree in Church Ministries and Theology from St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland. Prior to his ordination, Deacon Ben, was active as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, Proclaimer, an RCIA instructor, and a member of the Parish Council. In addition to being an active adult Scout leader with the Boy Scouts of America, Deacon Ben is also a volunteer chaplain with the Christiana Care Health System in Newark, Delaware.