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Immaculate Conception Church & St. Jude Mission Church
Immaculate Conception Parish is a Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware.
We are located in Cecil County, Maryland.
We are a part of the Iron Hill Deanery.
Immaculate Conception Church, Elkton, MD
St. Jude Mission Church, North East, MD
Immaculate Conception Streamed Masses
Fr. Rich's 4-Part Lenten Series:
Every Tuesday evening from 4:30-6:30 come learn about the message of divine mercy and pray with us in the Parish Center. Please contact Heather Ulmen at hu_ntrprtr@outlook.com for more information.
Flocknote is a notification system used by our diocese and many parishes to share important information that needs to be shared with the entire parish. It is a great way to keep up with updates and changes as they occur. It's easy to subsrcibe: Click the link above: Enter an email address that you check often. If you want text blasts (when Mass is cancelled due to snow, for example), enter your cell phone number.
We wish to thank everyone who financially supports our parish through weekly giving, special collections, one-time gifts, and all other avenues of giving(e.g., volunteering your time and talent)
Black & Indian and Catholic Home Missons
Parish Donations:
Mass Times
8:30 am Monday - Saturday
5:00 pm Saturday
7:00 am/11:00 am Sunday
St. Jude Mass:
9:00 am Sunday
9:15 am Saturday at Immaculate Conception
8:20 am Sunday at St. Jude
Stations of the Cross:
6:30pm Fridays at Immaculate Conception Church
Events & News
News From:
Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware:
The Iron Hill Deanery:
For more events and information, check out the**********
Events, Updates and Information
Office Hours
Monday - Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
The chapel is open Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for individual prayer and adoration.
Please call 410.398.1100 or email iccoffice455@gmail.com anytime to contact our office staff. Thank you.
Outreach Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
- Father Rich Jasper, Parish Administrator
- James Gebhart, Associate Pastor
- Fr. Gerald Dunne, OSFS, Priest in Residence
- Deacon Michael Truman, Pastoral Minister
- Deacon Ben Feril, Deacon
- George Gregory, Coordinator of Music & Liturgy
- Mrs. Vicki Eichler, Coodinator of Religious Education
- Mrs. Peggy O'Donnell, Business Manager
- Mrs. Dotty Fritz, Outreach Coordinator
- Ms. Joan Gaffney, Office Manager