Iron Hill Deanery


What is a Deanery?

In the most recent Code of Canon Law, bishops were given the authority to assemble parishes into smaller geographical groups. These groups of parishes within a diocese were then put under the care of a “dean” and called “deaneries.” Like all dioceses, the Diocese of Wilmington is organized into small regions called deaneries. A deanery is made up of contiguous parishes and is led by a pastor within the deanery who serves as the dean. A dean is appointed by the bishop and his responsibilities include overseeing the spiritual needs of priests, being attentive to pastoral issues in his deanery and coordinating regional pastoral initiatives.


Here are the parishes that comprise the Iron Hill Deanery:

Good Shepherd Church
Holy Family
Immaculate Conception/St. Jude Mission Church
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. John’s / Holy Angels
St. Joseph (Middletown)
St. Margaret of Scotland
The Newman Center


For up-to-date information on the Iron Hill Deanery events and news, check out the deanery website:



Upcoming Events in the Deanery: